Forgiveness celebrates our special capacity to love and reach out to someone else, whatever has happened between us. The more we forgive, the more we experience the benefits it brings.
Read MoreLast month, Lorena Adame, one of our facilitators of the 16 Guidelines program, visited a women’s shelter in Sri Lanka. She worked in coordination with the Tara Lanka study group led by Venerable Lekdron. The refuge is for fifteen girls between 14 and 18 years old who have experienced severe trauma.
Read MoreHonesty is an opportunity to move through the world gracefully without harming other people. To speak or act dishonestly is to put our own interests ahead of someone else’s. To distort what they experience to fit our needs, or to take their possessions for ourselves.
Read MoreAll around us there are people we can respect and learn from, if we choose to do so, and if we have the necessary humility. Respect is something that we have to give rather than to demand.
Read MoreOn August 21 2019, two of our UK based facilitators, Kitty D'Costa and Karl Grey, led a 2 hour taster session on the 16 Guidelines for Life using MeetUp which provides free meeting spaces throughout London.
Read MoreWe all know in our hearts when we have received or offered kindness because of the warm feeling it brings. Is there anyone who does not want to experience kindness from another person?
Read MoreReflect on your conversations you have today - their content, their tone and their purpose. It's nice to speak with kindness, sensitivity and wisdom.
Read MoreDavid Machles, from North Carolina, USA, began his journey into the 16 Guidelines in 2008. He felt inspired to offer the 16G program in prisons working with adult and juvenile prisoners as well as staff and volunteers. He developed a 16G for prisoners curriculum called Building Inner Strength.
Read MoreDelight is the delicious taste we get when something good happens. Worries fade away, frustration evaporates, and anger disappears when a baby is safe or a friend passes their exams, when a problem is solved or a conflict resolved. Delight opens the heart.
Read MoreGenerosity has the potential to release us from a limited and compulsive focus on ‘me’ and ‘mine’. It also helps us promote the pleasures of sharing time, energy, talents and possessions.
Read MoreOn 24 July 2019, we offered an online "live" Forum introducing our new course 'Building Balanced Empathy'. 33 people tuned in from all over the world (ain't technology grand!) to explore empathy, vulnerability and emotional resilience.
Read MoreContentment is a state of mind that has nothing to do with money, objects or other people. Nor does it concern itself with how much we have, or how little.
Read MoreRejoice in your capacity to be honest and straightforward, it has the potential to promote a culture of seeking the common good instead of pursuing personal self-interest.
Read MoreIn July 2019, we released our safeguarding policy in order to protect everyone attending our courses, public forums, and offices from harm and abuse.
Read MoreLife is full of uncomfortable experiences, from minor niggles and irritations to major confrontations and setbacks. When they happen, we have a choice about how to respond. We can either become agitated and upset, or we can stay calm and relaxed.
Read MoreThis month Martha Cabral led a 16G Level 1 workshop in Guadalajara. Afterwards, one of the participants, Iris, emailed Martha on how much the course had impacted her life.
We think that Iris's experience will strike a chord with many people and she has agreed to let us use her feedback to inspire others to explore Universal Education programs.
Aspiration is the profound longing for purpose and fulfilment, joy and happiness, which lies deep - and sometimes buried - in our hearts, and in the heart of every living being.
Read MoreHumility is the attitude of experiencing the world and what it contains with wonder and awe. It is about seeing ourselves as a small part of a vast cosmos, inhabited by people and creatures from who we can learn.
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