Raquel Mason, the Director of Akshay School in Bodhgaya (India), has been incorporating the 16 Guidelines into the school’s curriculum since she completed a 16 Guidelines Level 1 course taught by facilitator Wendy Ridley in 2013.
Read MoreOfir Levit is a 16 Guidelines facilitator who founded “The Jaffa Balcony" in Israel - a place where women of different religious backgrounds can meet and connect. She describes how the Balcony came about and what she has learned during the process.
Read MoreDespués de un curso de 16 actitudes para Niños y Adolescentes en 2008, Laura y Maricruz se sintieron tan inspiradas que decidieron crear una escuela... así lo hicieron, literalmente, ladrillo por ladrillo. La escuela hoy tiene 131 niños con 14 profesores que trabajan con el programa de las.16 Actitudes.
Read MoreFollowing a 16 Guidelines course for Children & Teens in 2008, Laura and Maricruz felt inspired to build a school… so they did, literally brick-by-brick. The school today has 131 children with 14 teachers who are involved in the 16 Guidelines program.
Read MoreIanzhina Bartanova, Executive Director, FPMT Mongolia has reported on the success of the recent Building on the Basics, 16 Guidelines for Life course. Three participants started the course in August last year and completed their qualification in November 2019. Here are some words from the participants about their experience.
Read MoreWords! Love them or hate them, it often feels like we’re drowning in the noise they create – not only in our own ears, or on the page, but in our heads. They have the power to uplift us and to cast us down, to liberate and to entrap.
Read MoreOn August 21 2019, two of our UK based facilitators, Kitty D'Costa and Karl Grey, led a 2 hour taster session on the 16 Guidelines for Life using MeetUp which provides free meeting spaces throughout London.
Read MoreReflect on your conversations you have today - their content, their tone and their purpose. It's nice to speak with kindness, sensitivity and wisdom.
Read MoreDavid Machles, from North Carolina, USA, began his journey into the 16 Guidelines in 2008. He felt inspired to offer the 16G program in prisons working with adult and juvenile prisoners as well as staff and volunteers. He developed a 16G for prisoners curriculum called Building Inner Strength.
Read MoreDelight is the delicious taste we get when something good happens. Worries fade away, frustration evaporates, and anger disappears when a baby is safe or a friend passes their exams, when a problem is solved or a conflict resolved. Delight opens the heart.
Read MoreGenerosity has the potential to release us from a limited and compulsive focus on ‘me’ and ‘mine’. It also helps us promote the pleasures of sharing time, energy, talents and possessions.
Read MoreContentment is a state of mind that has nothing to do with money, objects or other people. Nor does it concern itself with how much we have, or how little.
Read MoreRejoice in your capacity to be honest and straightforward, it has the potential to promote a culture of seeking the common good instead of pursuing personal self-interest.
Read MoreLife is full of uncomfortable experiences, from minor niggles and irritations to major confrontations and setbacks. When they happen, we have a choice about how to respond. We can either become agitated and upset, or we can stay calm and relaxed.
Read MoreAspiration is the profound longing for purpose and fulfilment, joy and happiness, which lies deep - and sometimes buried - in our hearts, and in the heart of every living being.
Read MoreHumility is the attitude of experiencing the world and what it contains with wonder and awe. It is about seeing ourselves as a small part of a vast cosmos, inhabited by people and creatures from who we can learn.
Read MoreHow do you experience contentment?
It can be easy as taking a breath in, and deciding to release everything that makes us feel anxious and dissatisfied as you breathe out. Let the commotion of the world simply come to rest
Read MoreFPMT center Ganden Do Ngag Shedrup Ling has begun offering children’s classes on the 16 Guidelines for a Happy Life.
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