Last year we celebrated 40 years of Universal Education with the Big Love Festival. Hundreds of people from around the world joined the talks and we felt inspired to continue with an annual online event. This year’s Compassion and Wisdom in Action conference was a space to explore the potential for compassionate and wise action in all aspects of our lives, our relationships and the world around us.


The Compassion and Wisdom in Action Conference took place from 15 to 20 November 2021 with talks and workshops across four themes:

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Exploring what guides us and what matters most


Enquiring deeply into the latest science and ancient wisdom


Nurturing hearts, body and mind with compassion

Engaged Action

Serving the world through wise and compassionate action




Click on the images to watch available recordings.

Thank you to all the volunteer translators who made it possible to offer many of the sessions in French, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.

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