Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Scroll down to see all talks.
The four Wisdom Themes are the foundational structure of Universal Education and the 16 Guidelines courses. In this workshop we will explore what they are, how they are linked, how they support each other, and how we can bring them present in our everyday lives. During the workshop you are invited to test several simple experiential tools connecting head and heart, presence and experience. Using mindful attention and through the understanding of our embodied experience we discover how we can live more deeply in the four Wisdom Themes. In this way we bring enhanced well being to ourselves and our world.
Kindful Communication is the language of connection. It’s a practical way to bring empathy, honesty, strength and compassion into our personal and professional relationships and it offers another lens to explore the guideline of right speech. In this 90 min workshop we will explore what is kindful communication, some of the obstacles we encounter and how to develop it. Working with mindfulness as a base to explore intention, connection and impermanence in relation to how we communicate. We will use the Universal Education toolkit to encounter, explore and share our learning.
In our life and spiritual practice, we emphasize being clear about our intentions and motivations as a way of staying focused and achieving our desired personal and spiritual goals. But sometimes our aspirations can be unclear or not in alignment with our highest ideals – how can we get in touch with intentions that are authentic and lead to benefit for both ourselves and others? An exploration of our core values can support our highest aspirations and also affirm what is most meaningful for us. Join us for this discussion of core values and an experiential exercise, combining a contemplation, written reflection, and time to discuss our core values in large and small groups