Filtering by: Inspired by 16 Guidelines
Rendez les 16 attitudes vivantes ! Explorez de manière ludique et expérimentale les 16 attitudes. Nous travaillerons avec l’art (visuel, musical ou écrit) pendant la moitié de la journée, puis nous irons dans la nature pour l’autre moitié. Venez explorer, créer et vous connecter à la nature avec vos amis et votre famille.Cet atelier d’une journée est ouvert à tous à partir de 12 ans.
*image inspiration by pikisuperstar
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La gratitude nous aide à retenir, célébrer et apprécier chaque jour, avant que celui-ci nous échappe dans le sablier de l’expérience. Cet atelier explorera les moyens d’apprivoiser la gratitude, de la provoquer et de la cultiver pour s’imprégner de toute sa puissance. Please note this workshop is offered in French.
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We invite you to join Janna Weiss and Ruth Cook to reflect, meditate and discuss what we think and do, how we relate to others and find meaning in our daily lives.
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Explorer nos blocages, utiliser la pleine conscience pour amener plus de douceur dans la vie. Atelier de deux jours pour explorer sa capacité au bonheur en entrant en amitié avec soi-même. avec Hilary McMichael. Please note this mini retreat is offered in French.
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Des sessions le samedi matin pour explorer et acquérir les outils typiques des programmes Éducation Universelle pour développer la compassion et la sagesse. Chaque séance vous invite d’aller à la rencontre de vos ressources et forces intérieures que vous possédez déjà mais que vous avez peut-être perdues de vue
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During this weekend we will explore embodied mindfulness, universal ethical values and resilience, inspired by the 16 Guidelines for Life Program. This workshop will be lead by Wendy Ridley.
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Esta sesión se ofrece en español. / This session is offered in Spanish.
Una vez al mes te invitamos a participar en un encuentro virtual con Educación Universal. Una bonita oportunidad para poder seguir conectando con esta comunidad vibrante y seguir apoyándonos en estos momentos en los que poco a poco termina el aislamiento y nuevos retos aparecen en el horizonte. En esta sesión Marisa Femenia nos guiara en una exploración de la primera de las 16 Actitudes para Una vida con Sentido, LA HUMILDAD. Os esperamos!
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. On this session, we will explore HUMILITY, the first guideline of the Wisdom Theme, How we think, the session will include guided reflections and meditations as well as space to share with other participants in small groups. Everyone is welcome!. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. On this session, we will explore HUMILITY, the first guideline of the Wisdom Theme, How we think, the session will include guided reflections and meditations as well as space to share with other participants in small groups. Everyone is welcome!. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in French
Nous vous proposons un RDV hebdomadaire pour cultiver ensemble notre résilience.Pendant la période du confinement, nous vous proposons un RDV hebdomadaire pour cultiver ensemble notre résilience.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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Esta sesión se ofrece en español. / This session is offered in Spanish.
Estamos llevando a cabo sesiones semanales en línea, para unir a nuestra comunidad en las próximas semanas, y ayudarnos a sentirnos más conectados en estos tiempos de aislamiento físico y social.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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Esta sesión se ofrece en español. / This session is offered in Spanish.
Estamos llevando a cabo sesiones semanales en línea, para unir a nuestra comunidad en las próximas semanas, y ayudarnos a sentirnos más conectados en estos tiempos de aislamiento físico y social.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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Esta sesión se ofrece en español. / This session is offered in Spanish.
Estamos llevando a cabo sesiones semanales en línea, para unir a nuestra comunidad en las próximas semanas, y ayudarnos a sentirnos más conectados en estos tiempos de aislamiento físico y social.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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Esta sesión se ofrece en español. / This session is offered in Spanish.
Estamos llevando a cabo sesiones semanales en línea, para unir a nuestra comunidad en las próximas semanas, y ayudarnos a sentirnos más conectados en estos tiempos de aislamiento físico y social.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This session is offered in English.
We invite you to join us to reflect, meditate and discuss what we are thinking and doing, how are we relating to others and finding meaning as our daily lives shift. We need each other more than ever. Sharing our experiences and practicing together can help us feel connected to others in a meaningful and supportive way.
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This is a Women's Retreat where you can immerse yourself in restorative and recharging methods of ancient traditions, such as Tibetan Yoga, Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep), guided mindfulness meditations, silent meditations, heart-mind visualisations and gentle healing techniques that promote inner peace.
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This workshop is designed to assist lawyers in making the connection between their own inner emotional and mental states and the ethical actions that follow in their day to day practice. Participants will be introduced to the experiential practice of Mindfulness/Meditation and the Ethical Principles outlined in the 16 Guidelines as they relate to the LSUC Professional Code of Conduct.
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