The 16 Guidelines workshop provides practical tools for a more meaningful, fulfilled life. The idea is simple: to change the way we experience the world, we transform the way we think, act, and relate to others to find meaning.
What to expect
This 2-day Level 1 will explore key attitudes for developing a mindful culture in our family and community, in education, healthcare, or business. The focus will be on mindfulness, enquiry and ethics using the 16 Guidelines (16G) which provide a framework for reflecting on the ways we think, speak, act and find meaning in life.
Learn how to:
·Increase emotional resilience and confidence
·Improve relationships
·Achieve a greater sense of well-being and purpose
Who is it for?
This retreat is suitable for people of all faiths and cultural traditions. It will incorporate a Level 1: Introduction to the 16G so is suited for those new to the 16G as well as anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of them or for those intending to become accredited 16G trainers.
Silvie Walraven and Fui Moy Chan, both 16 Guidelines accredited facilitators with a unique flowing and balanced teaching style and a wealth of experience and skills
Cost & Booking
The cost is 100 euros, including Dutch translation of The Basics book and Cards
For more information and registration please visit
In Dutch:
16 Leidraden: Wijze lessen voor een gelukkiger leven
Deze ervaringsgerichte 2-daagse workshop helpt je een nieuwe wending te geven aan de manier waarop je denkt, handelt, je verhoudt tot anderen en zin geeft aan je leven. De 16L tools zijn gericht op het bevorderen van ons mentale welzijn, het ontwikkelen van emotionele veerkracht en het werken aan positieve relaties. We reflecteren op vragen zoals: Hoe ga ik om met uitdagende situaties of mensen in mijn leven? Welke kwaliteiten kan ik verder ontwikkelen? Wat is mijn kompas voor een gelukkig leven?
Silvie en Fui Moy zijn beiden door FDCW geaccrediteerde 16L trainers en tevens gecertificeerde mindfulness trainers.