Death and dying has always been a big mystery that goes beyond our usual way of thinking and usual daily experiences.
Historically humankind has developed a big variety of mythes, opinions, attitudes and strategies to confront and deal with all the emotions, hopes and fears that arise when death is approaching, including those of family members, friends and persons connected to the dying person.
What to expect
During the retreat we will explore experiences, approaches and explanations coming both from the Tibetan spiritual tradition as well as from the modern scientific interpretations of the relationship between mind, matter and their nature.
The purpose of the retreat is to gain some deeper understanding of what makes us human beings and some insight into the process of dying. The benefits of opening ourselves to such explorations can be very far reaching and can have a deep impact in our own approach to life, spirituality and ethics, society, and the environment.
During the session breaks we will keep silence..
Who is it for?
This retreat is suitable for people of all faiths and cultural traditions who wish to explore the topic of death and impermanence and want to find ways to deal with it in a creative and positive manner.
Bruno Rizzi, Bruno has been practising Tibetan Buddhism since 1981 and was ordained for 7 years while he studied at Nalanda Monastery ( France).
Bruno has been working for 15 years as a palliative nurse at Christophorus Hospice (Munich) and has over 10 years experience leading workshops and retreats on the topic of death and impermanence as an opportunity for finding meaning, growing and transformation.
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