Thorsten Schrammek
Thorsten is a 16 Guidelines Level 1 facilitator based in Munich, Germany. He works as an osteopath and can deliver workshops German.
From Thorsten:
After graduating from high school, I traveled to India for a total of five months. Inspired by the impressions of this intense time, I began to take an interest in my physical and mental health. During my studies in osteopathy, I got to know alternative perspectives on health and disease and the connections between body and mind. In my experience as a therapist and meditator, the key to holistic well-being is a positive mind. Every time I deal with the themes of the 16 Guidelines, I immediately feel relief and increasing inner happiness. I love to share this incredible tool with family, friends and everyone interested in personal growth and genuine health.
Country of residence: Germany
Speciality: Health care and work with youth
Accredited to facilitate: 16G Level 1
Languages: German