This unique workshop is inspired by the methodology and vision of Universal Education. Focusing positively on our human potential and integrating the physical, the emotional and the rational aspects of who we are , we will explore the main themes of this workshop in an interactive, non dogmatic and experiential way.
What to expect
We will discover that cultivating close awareness of one's mortality and impermanence helps us to see more clearly the things that really matter in life providing the catalyst for a focused, more meaningful existence and a growing interest in living with more authenticity, courage and attention toward oneself and others.
Who is it for?
This retreat is suitable for people of all faiths and cultural traditions who wish to explore the topic of death and impermanence and want to find ways to deal with it in a creative and positive manner.
Bruno Rizzi, Bruno has been practising Tibetan Buddhism since 1981 and was ordained for 7 years while he studied at Nalanda Monastery ( France).
Bruno has been working for 15 years as a palliative nurse at Christophorus Hospice (Munich) and has over 10 years experience leading workshops and retreats on the topic of death and impermanence as an opportunity for finding meaning, growing and transformation.
Bookings and cost
Standard fee is 60 euros.
To book your place please visit