Building on the Basics is a unique course designed to allow participant to deepen their practice of the 16 Guidelines, the four wisdom themes and tools which were introduced in Building Inner Strength Level 1 and 2 - 16 Guidelines for Life.
The learning outcomes are:
Deepening and broadening your understanding and practice of the 16 Guidelines for Life and the Four Wisdom themes
Developing a project to put 16G learning into practical effect in your area
The course runs over 10 weeks. It combines facilitator-led live sessions In weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 with guided self-study in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8.
Who is it for?
The course is open to anyone who has completed at least a Level 1 course.
Course facilitator: The course will be led by Craig Mackie, one of our experienced facilitators based in Canada. Craig has been practicing mindfulness since 1998 as a national team biathlete and since 2004 as a formal contemplative practice. Certified as a Mindfulness For Symptom Management (M4) instructor, Transformative Mindfulness instructor and international 16 Guidelines Trainer, he has worked in the field of mental health, wilderness therapy, addictions, homelessness, experiential education and therapeutic recreation.
Session times: The live sessions take place from 5 pm to 7 pm UK Time.
Click here for more information and to book.