Meet the Facilitator - Martha C. De Alba
What first got you interested in Universal Education?
At the beginning of 2010, when I was the director of the FPMT Center in Aguascalientes, Dekyi Lee and Marian O´Dwyer gave us a 16G L1 course. Since the very first moment I fell in love with the 16 Guidelines, and I wanted to be a facilitator. I knew it would be a great tool for people to have a happier and more meaningful life. By the end of that year I became an accredited facilitator, after helping Marian facilitating some courses in Colombia.
Can you talk to us about your journey with working with 16G and FDCW?
After 10 years of being part of FDCW, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot from the lovely people of the foundation who are example of the Guidelines. And I have had wonderful experiences in the twenty-three courses I have facilitated. I have given courses in many different places in Mexico, in Puerto Rico and in the United States. Something that always happens, and I love, is that when people arrive are just curious, and little by little they get involved and their faces are transformed. When they leave, most of them have a more peaceful face. And they mention that they feel happy. It gives them the hope that with the guidelines, they can have a more satisfying life. And it depends on them.
How has UE impacted your life?
I think that UE, and facilitating the 16G have made me a better person in many ways. UE has given me the opportunity to be present for the other and contribute, so they can feel better, and discover that the tools to overcome their worries, are inside them. This has given me a lot! I have experienced that true happiness is in giving.
You have been leading workshops and trainings in Central & South America, could you tell us something that stands out from this experience? What is your fondest memory?
In the island of Cozumel I facilitated three 16G courses in a School, all the staff took it. In the third course there were nannies, janitors, cleaners and cooks among teachers. What was very special about this course was to see the transformation of these people. When they arrived, as they didn´t have much education (one couldn´t even write), they were feeling shy and it was not easy for them to participate. Little by little they were discovering that they were as valuable as everybody, that what their experiences were important for others. Then they participated in a very rich way. They showed they had a great heart.
Last year in Guadalajara, there was a girl who was very depressed because she had just finished a relation. She also had a problem in her spine that was very painful. Her change in the course was very remarkable. She overcame the depression and felt really enthusiastic and happy. She was very surprised. She realized that happiness comes from inside. She was very grateful.
Can you share your plans for future projects with UE focus?
I plan to continue working with UE for the benefit of others. I will continue facilitating 16G courses as well as the new 6 hour programs, like BBE. And help UE in any possible way.
Which of the 16 Guidelines (if any) do you feel has been most beneficial for you and why? Gratitude
I feel very grateful with the foundation, and with all the people who have been in my courses. I have received a lot. They have enriched my life.
Martha has a shared a gallery of photos of her work sharing Universal Education across the world. Thank you Martha for all your contributions to UE and FDCW. May all beings be happy :)