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Since Lama Yeshe first shared his vision for a Universal Education in the mid-1970s and then during this interview in 1983, his unique and innovative approach has inspired many individuals and projects in schools, universities, hospices, workplaces, healthcare, youth groups and community centres around the world.   

The Sharing the Love 2020 conference was a unique event which started out not only as a celebration of what Universal Education has achieved in nearly 40 years but also an opportunity for us to shape our future in response to the pressing challenges of today. 

We are absolutely delighted by the response and interest which the festival received globally and want to express a big, big thank you to all the speakers, moderators, translators and participants who have made this incredible event possible. 

Monday, 23 November 2020

Opening Session

We shared the written message sent by our patron HH the Dalai Lama in support of the festival followed by an address by our Honorary President Lama Zopa Rinpoche on “What is Universal Education?”.

To read HH the Dalai Lama’s message, click here.

en français | in italiano | en español | em português

Ceci Buzón

Universal Education at Home - Making the most of the Happy Toolbox with Kids and Teens

This session aimed at parents, carers and teachers who are interested in bringing the ethical values of the 16 Guidelines into their family life and work. Ceci shared and explored new ways, tips and ideas how to further exploit the games and activities presented in the Happy Toolbox.

em português

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Alison Murdoch

If Shakyamuni Buddha was alive today, he’d be teaching secular ethics – HH The Dalai Lama

This session was for anyone interested in basic human values and their potential to transform our world. Alison Murdoch and guests led a discussion about how this advice from HH The Dalai Lama relates to Universal Education, particularly the 16 Guidelines programme. They shared experience, explored opportunities and challenges, and introduced a new initiative for 2021.

em português

Craig Mackie

Universal Education Pedagogy  - What is truly universal and accessible?

This presentation explored over a decade of applications of the 16 Guidelines (16G) to multiple contexts, populations and settings. At the core, the pedagogy and assumptions of UE have been tested and affirmed by walking with thousands of people through the 16G journey. What are the most important methods unique to 16G and UE? How can this framework apply across settings? How does transformation take place through the 16G? Craig explored these questions with humility and the aspiration to grow the benefits of UE for everyone.

em português

Professor Jan Willis

The Teacher's Love - Stories About Lama Yeshe

Jan Willis was among the earliest students of Lama Yeshe and Zopa Rinpoche, meeting them in 1969. She studied under Lama Yeshe for the last fifteen years of his life and shared both an academic and a deep personal relationship with him. Jan will recount stories of those years and how they exemplify the teacher's infinite compassion.

em português

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Ven Carla Pearse

Universal Education and Mindfulness for better mental health

Universal Education brings the meaningful issues about being human into our consciousness. This session explored how using mindfulness helps to integrate this into our day to day lives providing a sense of greater wellbeing in addition to understanding our interdependence and interconnectedness.

em português

Hilary McMichael

The Self-Healing Tools of Transformative Mindfulness Methods

The Transformative Mindfulness Methods (TMM) programme offers unique practices to bring peace, health, confidence and connection into our lives. Hilary explored how TMM can support us in developing a more loving and open state of mind, confidence in life despite uncertainties and how releasing stuck emotional tensions and patterns allows us to care more for others with innate compassion. She guided participants in a practice to experience the transformative potential of these methods and stories were shared to illustrate how making a safe place for all of our feelings and aspects of ourselves can open us up to a more joyful and courageous life.

em português

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Paul Wielgus and Ros Boughtflower

Wisdom and Compassion in the Eye of the Storm

In these unprecedented and turbulent times how can we best harness the strengths and creativity of the FDCW community and services in contribution to the welfare of all beings and the healing of the earth. Drawing on Joan Macy's Work that Reconnects and universal ethical values, they were the guides through the spiral of Active Hope and offered practices that enabled participants to face the storm clouds and find ways to act with compassion and wisdom today!

em português

Pam Cayton

Creating Compassionate Cultures

Pam offered an introduction to the Creating Compassionate Cultures program that developed at Tara Redwood School, the first Universal Education school in the world, since 1989. She started Tara Redwood School inspired by her teacher Lama Thubten Yeshe's concept of Universal Education (UE), a secular approach to awakening compassion and wisdom. Creating Compassionate Cultures is based on the concept of Seven Steps to Knowledge, Strength and Compassion and offers on-site workshops and online training for parents, educators, and professionals.

em português

Friday, 27 November 2020

Marian O’Dwyer and Wendy Ridley

Nurturing Mind and Heart - A Taste of FDCW Resources and Tools

Wendy and Marian invited all to participate in tasting samples of FDCW courses, resources and tools. During the interactive session Wendy and Marian shared several Universal Education tools which add flavour and depth to nurturing mind and heart.

em português

Ven Robina Courtin

Staying Steady in the Face of Problems

We’re all attached to things going nicely in life, and the minute they don’t, aversion arises. We just assume this is natural and there’s nothing much to do about it. But we can learn to stay steady in the face of problems by seeing them differently. This is the essence of practice.

In Italiano | em português

Pilar Maldonado y Ceci Buzón

La Educación Universal en casa - Cómo sacar el mejor partido de la Caja de Herramientas Felices para Niños y Adolescentes

Esta sesión estuvo especialmente dedicada a padres, cuidadores y docentes que están interesados en brindar los valores éticos de las 16 Actitudes a sus familias y lugares de trabajo. Juntos exploramos nuevas formas, tips e ideas para usar los juegos y actividades incluidas en la Caja de Herramientas Felices.

em português

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Tenzin Ösel Hita

In Conversation with Anna Colao

In this upbeat and unique conversation with Anna Colao, Tenzin Ösel spoke about his understanding of Universal Education, staying present in the face of today’s challenges and how each of us can be of benefit in this world.

In Italiano | em português