Christian Muecke
Christian Muecke is a registered Level1 facilitator of 16 Guidelines. He is based in Vienna, Austria and normally delivers workshops in German (English possible).
From Christian
I have been studying Tibetan Buddhism for more than a decade, via several FPMT programs. Regarding FDCW, I really like the approach to use simple, scientific language, without any religious connotation, and to focus on interactive and experiencing methods. I am offering secular courses jointly with my wife, a trauma therapist. We both have a background of various trainings on mindfulness and self-compassion (for example MBSR / Mindfulness based Stress Reduction; and MSC / Mindful Self-Compassion). I am experiencing the work with groups as a great opportunity to learn jointly
how we can explore and develop our mind
how we can meet our own struggles and others with kindness and compassion
how to encounter and connect while exchanging what matters in our lives.
Country of Residence: Austria
Speciality: Education, mindfulness training
Accredited to facilitate: Level 1
Languages: German, English