Laurie Dolan
Since attending the first Canadian 16 Guidelines workshop in 2008 Laurie has incorporated the 16 Guidelines in her daily mindfulness and 5 Tibetan Yoga practice by selecting a card, recording it in her calendar and bringing it into play throughout her day. Laurie is an accredited 16G Level 1, 2, Transformative Mindfulness and Unlocking Your Potential facilitator and delivers workshops in English.
At the Centre for Compassion and Wisdom (CCW) in Burlington, Ontario Laurie led overviews and discussion groups on the 4 Wisdom Themes and 16 Guidelines to share and deepen the learning and knowledge with the CCW and community; and co-facilitated Level 1 16 Guideline workshops since 2010.
As part of the University of Toronto Education Applied Mindfulness Meditation program, Laurie co-developed and co-facilitated a Mindfulness and Ethical Values in the Workplace workshop based on the 16 Guidelines.
Laurie has worked with CCW in various roles for over 10 years, is past president of the Lama Yeshe Ling Tibetan Buddhist Group and CCW Board, and has worked with the FDCW (Universal Education) Implementation Advisory Group.
Laurie’s primary interest and passion is individual and organisational transformation, assisting individuals and organisations to engage their potential for personal, community and universal productive and beneficial change. Laurie’s business, 'Engage Your Potential', and purpose is AIM for Success – Aspire, Inspire, Motivate.
Country of Residence: Canada
Speciality: Workplace, Leadership, Community
Accredited to facilitate: Level 1 and 2 and Unlocking Your Potential
Languages: English