Allys Andrews

Allys is an accredited Unlocking Your Potential facilitator based in Melbourne, Australia and delivers workshops in English, online and face to face.

From Allys:


Allys has been a student of Buddhism and meditation in the Tibetan tradition since 1979. She has taught introduction to meditation classes for the last 35 years at Tara Institute, in primary and secondary schools and tertiary institutions as well as teaching meditation and relaxation to people with serious illness and their carers.

Allys has a deep interest in encouraging secular ethics in every avenue of life. In the near future she hopes to become an accredited 16 G facilitator and to keep growing compassion and wisdom.

Country of Residence: Australia
Speciality: Secular meditation for healing, palliative care, local adult community work
Accredited to facilitate: Unlocking Your Potential
Languages: English