(The course will be in French).
Ce nouveau programme explore comment trouver le bon équilibre entre s'occuper des autres et prendre soin de soi
What to expect
In this daylong class we will examine what causes you to feel emotionally overwhelmed and conversely what leads you to emotionally disconnect from others.
We explore whether we genuinely feel and understand the experiences and emotions of other people. You will learn techniques empowering you to relate to others in a healthy, more balanced way.
Learn how to:
This course will help you to develop:
a calmer more focused mind
better self-understanding and therefore real empathy for others
identifying what pushes us out of balance allowing the space for wiser choices
stronger emotional resilience
closer, more nurturing relationships with family, friends and co-workers
more compassion for ourselves and others
Who is it for?
This programme is suitable for people of all faiths and cultural traditions. Prior registration requested.
Meet our Facilitator:
Virginie Cornet-Butcher, psychologue de formation et psychothérapeute, intervient en entreprise dans le domaine du développement personnel depuis plus de 30 ans en tant que consultante et coach. Elle pratique le bouddhisme depuis une quinzaine d’années et réunit dans son approche professionnelle les méthodes issues de la psychologie occidentale et de l’étude de l’esprit orientale. Le programme des 16 attitudes, centré sur l’apprentissage de la sagesse au quotidien en pratiquant des modes de pensée, d’action et de relation à l’autre, s’inscrit parfaitement dans sa démarche. Celle-ci a pour but de favoriser une prise de conscience et un état de bien-être par une meilleure gestion de ses émotions et l’acquisition de nouveaux comportements.
Virginie Cornet-Butcher is a trained psychologist and psychotherapist. She has been working in the field of personal development for more than 30 years as a consultant and coach. She has been practicing Buddhism for about fifteen years and combines this background with a professional approach using methods of Western psychology. The 16 Guidelines program which focuses on learning wisdom in everyday life by practicing modes of thought, action and relationship with others, fits perfectly with her approach. It aims to promote awareness and a state of well-being through better management of emotions and the development of new behaviours.
For more information and to book:
Please visit http://www.centre-kalachakra.com/calendrier/316-seize-attitudes-pour-mieux-vivre-7