FDCW invites you to celebrate nearly 40 years of Universal Education and join the online Big Love Festival from Monday, 23 November to Saturday, 28 November 2020. Over 6 days the Big Love Festival brings together 15 speakers from a wide range of Universal Education projects who will share how they have brought Universal Education into people's lives in very practical ways - for better mental health, in schools, with teenagers, in universities, in social care, transformative mindfulness and many more.
Lama Thubten Yeshe first shared his vision for a Universal Education in the mid-1970s and since then his unique and innovative approach inspired many individuals and projects in schools, universities, hospices, workplaces, healthcare, youth groups and community centres around the world. In an interview in 1983 Lama Yeshe described his radical idea in more depth, “We have to get rid of people’s old concepts and give them a new imagination; a new, broad way of looking at themselves and the world. That’s what I mean by “universal.”
The Big Love Festival is not only a celebration of what has been achieved but also an opportunity to gather ideas and inspiration to shape the next 40 years of Universal Education in response to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and social and economic inequality and injustice.
FDCW’s Honorary President Lama Zopa Rinpoche will open the festival on Monday, 23 November. The list of speakers includes Venerable Robina Courtin, Professor Jan Willis, Ösel Hita and many more.
The festival takes place online and all sessions can be joined live and for free.