Connecting with my potential on The a.r.t. of Fulfilment
This summer our new programme The a.r.t. of Fulfilment began rolling out across the world. We hear from participant Denise Flora and French translator Brigitte Lucas about their experiences with this new course.
Denis Flora with Don Handrick, Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi and other participants at The a.r.t. of Fulfilment at Vajrapani Institute in July 2017
Denise attended The a.r.t. of Fulfilment Module 1 at Vajrapani Institute in July 2017 facilitated by Don Handrick and Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi, and Brigitte has been translating The a.r.t. of Fulfilment audio material for the French National Group.
Denise Flora: What a wonderful opportunity to attend this course!
Brigitte Lucas: I feel so grateful... It is such a privilege of being a part of the existence and development of this incredible project/program today.
DF: The facilitators were sincere, skilful, deeply knowledgeable and joyful. The participants were a diverse, supportive group that made the course come alive. The beautiful location was steeped in history of Universal Education and wisdom culture in particular.
DF: The exercises took even new participants to a very deep place skilfully and quickly. Each of us encountered approaches and skills we could apply immediately and take home to use for wiser perspectives and interactions with others in daily life.
More than one of the activities brought a tear of deep understanding to my own eyes. Lines of inquiry on forgiveness and apologising helped me with ongoing personal relationship issues.
BL: [This course] is a new dimension of deep practice, for people who do not feel at ease with the religious, moral and even spiritual aspects of life, but who feel like doing something every day to change their feelings, their moods, their relationship to their own existence, people who want to reach a more meaningful life.....!
“I feel so grateful for its richness, its clarity, its depth, its cleverness and intelligence, its humanity, its love and kindness... how to become aware, how to change our views and attitudes, how to give to life an ethical joyful openhearted meaning. How inspiring and well constructed it is!”
DF: Learning about the conditioning of my own view and identity in the past, and about approaches to balanced empathy when responding to others, gave me specific beneficial skills to take into my future interactions. We received study material to review after the course to extend our learning.
BL: I wish in the depth of my heart that it will become soon a reference in spiritual and social development, that it will give the world the shift it needs, for anyone to fulfil their essential qualities and highest potential.
DF: My fellow participants and I were very grateful for the chance to participate in this first course and hope to participate in the follow-on courses in the future.
About The a.r.t. of Fulfilment
The a.r.t. of Fulfilment course is designed to help you review your life and relationships, and in doing so gain a more holistic sense of yourself to release your deeper human potential.
This experiential course will equip you with tools to aid in solving life’s everyday problems and provide a renewed perspective of the world around you.
The supporting study material aims to delve deeper to bridge the gap between analytical thinking and contemplative understanding, and between heart and mind.
Use the tools to help you find new meaning, build deeper relationships and begin to take the steps to act, reflect and transform your life.
BL: I feel so grateful for its richness, its clarity, its depth, its cleverness and intelligence, its humanity, its love and kindness... how to become aware, how to change our views and attitudes, how to give to life an ethical joyful openhearted meaning.